Many people who are not familiar with all the intricacies of construction think that the decoration of the building is just painting work, but this opinion is erroneous, we will try to figure out all this so that it is clear. When decorating the building, many external works are used, they can be tried to divide into the following types:
1. Plastering work;
2. Tile work;
3. Work with sitting;
4. And painting work;
However, you can also add work with thermal insulation material, t. to it includes the thermal insulation of the walls. Often you have to encounter that after laying thermal insulation material on the external walls, then they need to be plastered, t. E has to deal with the combination of finishing work. Let’s start with the most famous type of finish – this is plastering work. Everyone probably saw or may have an idea what plaster is. I will try to formulate the determination of the plaster so that it is clear and clear and so plaster is a finishing layer that is applied to the surface in order to align this surface or betray a certain shape to it.
Tile work is a facial coating that is attached to the elements of the building. Why do you need a cladding, ask you? Facing work give the building protective functions, and also give it a decorative look. The lining perfectly copes with changes in the ambient temperature and humidity, which is very important for the building.
Azure for wood is durable, breathes perfectly, with the most modern environmentally friendly and powerful antiseptic additives.
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