Varieties of glazing for the balcony: selection criteria

Quite often in ordinary city apartments, the balcony is an operational area, although in the BTI certificate it is not at all.

Of course, various natural precipitation and all kinds of dirt, located on the balcony, make it not the most pleasant place to relax and stay here. That is why people are increasingly wondering how to glaze the balcony so that it becomes convenient, and most importantly comfortable for staying here. In this case, perhaps the best option for solving this problem will be glazing the balcony.

At the same time, on the one hand, it may seem that all this is very simple, but when it comes to choosing an option of glazing, here people most often face difficulties and various problems. All because there are a lot of types of glazing of the balcony on the market.

The first type of glazing of the balcony is plastic windows. In this case, such windows are suitable for the same time, since it is with their help that it will be possible to maintain heat in the room and, in addition, prevent blowers and various drafts, which is also very important.

In addition, there is another type of glazing of the balcony, which is called “cold glazing”. This is an ordinary window profile, which has high tightness, which is necessary to keep heat in the room, as well as ensuring “natural ventilation” that prevents the windows of windows.