In panel buildings of Soviet and post -Soviet construction, sealing and finishing of interpanel sutures was carried out during the construction of materials with the relevant standards and standards of that time. Their service life has long expired and are frequent cases of destruction of the decoration and, accordingly, the depressurization of the seams. Today it is possible to use modern better materials for sealing seams, the service life of which and operational characteristics significantly exceed the materials of the past generation.
Swed repair work is mainly for the forces of climbers. Renting an auto crane is not required for such work, since the materials used are raised by the workers themselves in small quantities.
The sequence of work is as follows:
– seams are clearing from the remnants of the material to which they were sealing earlier;
– The seams are poured with a special sealant;
– After drying into the sealant, a layer of polyurethane is glued;
– Sutures are being put.
It is this method of restoration of seams that will allow residents of the house with restored seams to forget about drafts and dampness in their apartments for a significant period of time.
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