The correct solution is the revitalization of green areas with unusual plants. On an extensive territory, you can focus with a bright flowering plant or a plant with variegated leaves that change the color scheme in the garden.
As an example – Barberis has red foliage, and it successfully contrasts with the green background of other plants. True, a wide variety of shades is also not too good, so it is better to make separate color spots.
There are not so many perennials and shrubs with color foliage. In addition to barberry, there are iris with white specking on the leaves, coniferous bushes of a yellow and gray-blue look, the choice of which is quite large. Evergreen, at the same time, can be included in existing landings. A high -quality lawn mower will always help you to manage in the garden for a solid five.
Red -linked fan maple will delight the eye, especially planted next to the willow. Very beautiful American maple with pale pink shade leaves.
The trees can be selected decorative, but they, nevertheless, require a much larger volume of space than the bushes. True, the latter is also necessary pruning, but this is not difficult, and the effect is immediately visible: they bloom better, become thicker and decorate the garden. There are also beautiful evergreen fruiting shrubs with beautiful leaves – such as quince and viburnum laurelly.
It is possible to pay attention to garden half -brushes, for example, a alpine alpine. These are perennials with soft stems daring for the winter. They do not need excessive care and a lot of space.
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