How to protect the building from the effects of the weather with a strong roof

To reliable protection of the building from the effects of the weather, a reliable strong roof is needed, but in order for the roof to serve for a long time, it does not proceed and does not freeze, it must be covered with insulating materials and insulated. Poorly processed roof can be calculated by icicles hanging on it. Roof insulation can be carried out at the stage of construction, or after its completion. In the first case, the insulation is laid in the project if you conduct insulation during major repairs, first remove dirt from the roof and check the watercourse and ventilation systems. First, insulation lies on the roof, then isolation material, and then roofing material.

Insulation is carried out by various heaters. When choosing a material for insulation, you need to consider in which climatic zone you live. Try to choose the coating as adapted to the humidity mode in your area. In addition, take into account the power of the mechanical exposure of the wind. In general, the insulation layer of the roof should consist of a vapor barrier layer, a waterproofing layer, roll coating and bulk material.