Summer … heat … It is simply unbearable in the room, but there is no way to leave it? Then this information is for you! Make your life easier with the help of several simple, but important recommendations.
The air conditioner will help to significantly reduce the air temperature in the room, but do not forget about the care of it, because a great many microbes and dust from the street accumulate on the filter.
If your windows overlook the sunny side, do not create a shadow in the room, screaming them tightly. This will not affect the temperature in the room, and the air will become heavy due to the accumulated dust on the curtains and curtains.
If the sunlight still interferes strongly, you can use the curtains of light shades, and, combining such a way out of the situation with air conditioning or fan, you will get your goal faster.
Air circulation in the room should be sufficient. Timely carry out wet cleaning and do not allow the dust to accumulate on the surfaces, because turning on the same air conditioning or fan, dust rises into the air. Accordingly, you inhale it without noticing it. Hence the poor health and a feeling of “lack of air”.
Keep in mind the air conditioner very dries the air, so the natural ventilation of the room is necessary for at least half an hour.
For air moisture, use aquariums, fresh flowers in vases with a lot of water, decorative fountains, etc. D.
So, the smaller the surfaces for settlement of dust in your room, the lighter the interior, the better the air circulation, the easier and more pleasant it will be tolerate the heat.
But even, following all the recommendations, and, having achieved success, do not forget about walking in the fresh air!
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