Foundation tide: can you do it with your own hands

The foundation is considered one of the most important components of any structure, since it accounts for the main load. That is why its construction should be performed as carefully and carefully as possible. The work begins with the preparation of the ditch in which the sand pillow is laid. Then it is covered with a layer of waterproofing. Do not forget about such an element as a metal frame that should consist of two layers. The composition of the crate includes rods fastened together with wire. In the event that the area is large enough, then the tile must be done thicker. In this case, experts recommend preparing a brownish foundation.

In order to make it, it is necessary to make several holes, and also fill them with a solution with reinforcement. This is done in order to further bind to the frame. After that, it is necessary to prepare a special pillow, as well as place the formwork from the beam or thick boards on it. A flooded solution must be thoroughly leveled. In order to do this, you can use a special row. Next, you need to make a seal using the vibrator. As soon as this layer freezes, you can start the construction of the basement. In the event that the house is planned to install a heating furnace, then it is necessary to place a special support under it. During the manufacture of the foundation, you also need to carry out the eyeliner of communication systems. The maintenance of water supply systems should also be carried out. In addition, you need to think about additional supports, as well as stiffeners, which will make the design more durable and resistant to mechanical influences. Thus, the preparation and construction of the foundation is a simple procedure, but requires careful implementation of all the recommendations that are given above.