Wood in past years and even millennia was the main building material for many nations. At present, she has lost her leading position in the building materials market as the main material of building buildings. Since now almost everything is built from concrete, steel and glass. But at the same time, wood has become the most popular finishing material in order to make which, it is necessary to apply the latest technologies.
The main disadvantage of wood is that it is able to absorb moisture throughout the entire line of its service. And the absorbed moisture leads to the fact that it swells and the entire appearance of the wood radically changes. Another rather important problem of wood is that in the manufacture of wood products, waste is obtained by a lot. The waste is obtained mainly due to the fact that during drying of the boards, shawls or timber, cracking occurs at the ends. The main reason for this is that a large amount of moisture does not come out along the entire length of the wood, but from the ends.
In order to deal with this problem e. AND. Feoktistov has developed a new wood drying technology, which consists in finding the ends of wood with a special water -repellent material. Thanks to the isolation of the ends of the wood, the moisture from its capillary comes out throughout the area. Thus, capillary compounds are simultaneously destroyed, which previously served as vessels to absorb moisture inside the wood, when condensing it on its surface.
The project for organizing conveyor wood drying in certain conveyor drying chambers is also quite innovative. Since the drying process is continuous, and even with the use of water -repellent agents on the ends of the wood, the drying process occurs faster and and the wood dries throughout the area. In addition, wood obtained using such technologies, subsequently will not be able to absorb condensed moisture.
Thus, wood products will have constant humidity, which will not change throughout the entire service life of a product from wood.
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