Previously, the use of such materials was not admired and was considered quite harmful. But over time, the pluses of artificial materials outweighed prejudices and they began to enter our lives. Artificial materials are not inferior to analogues in color, installation, characteristics, and sometimes there are better. They are quite accessible to everyone and do not damage natural resources. Before purchasing artificial materials for decoration, it is better to consult with a specialist.
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The most popular artificial material today is decorative stone. It can be completely different colors, shapes, easy to process and leaves no seams and joints. The stone is resistant to moisture, but if it is in the aquatic environment for a long time, it can change its properties. It is good to clarify the fireplaces with such a material, since the stone is not a fuel and tolerates temperature changes well, the main thing is to choose the right glue here.
Quartz – vinyl is also gaining popularity. Quartz – vinyl tiles consists of quartz and various chemical additives, wear -resistant, harmless, light in care, waterproof. It is enough to lay the tiles, the thickness does not force you to adjust the doorways, it is enough to simply change one or more damaged tiles for repairing the damaged surface.
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