What are wooden houses: the nuances of the choice

If you compare the tree and other building materials, it will become clear that the wood has many positive qualities that show themselves perfectly during operation. The most important quality of the tree is its environmental purity. Even after it has been cut off, the tree continues to breathe, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. Wooden walls allow the air in the room to be updated naturally. Thanks to the heat regulatory properties of wood in the winter in wooden houses, it is warm, and in the summer it is cool.

Wooden houses can be built from chopped and allocated logs, glued, string silt of sawn timber. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. Formwork rental is also very popular. Not everyone has financial opportunities to acquire an expensive design, and rent is a profitable solution.

Modern timber houses are erected from rectangular logs, which in common people are called bars. They are profiled, due to special auxiliary elements, they fit the most tightly to each other. Walls composed of such logs are extremely durable and perfectly resist the effects of the atmosphere.

Modern industry produces a timber of three types: glued, chopped and sawn. Glued beams are created using dried and glued workpieces, which subsequently undergo the process of sub -calibration.