The construction of an apartment building or a shopping center is not limited to the construction of walls, ceilings, roofs and stairwells. No industrial or dwelling can function without various kinds of communications. It turns out that the installation of engineering communications is an equally responsible and important part of construction than the aforementioned.
Speaking about utilities, primarily implies the installation of ventilation systems, laying electric cables, installing water supply and sanitation systems, as well as heating systems. Each of these systems should be installed by professionals who have been working in this area for several years. Otherwise, hiring unskilled workers, there is a great risk, in the near future, pay a similar amount for repairs and alteration.
In most cases, the installation of these systems is in parallel. But the installation of ventilation systems should be somewhat ahead of the rest of the process: it is better to work with plumbing equipment and electric networks in a well -ventilated room.
The exact price list of the work performed is also important. As a rule, the Shabashnikov brigades evaluate their work “by eye”. You can bargain with them and sometimes manage to drop the price of 30 and even 50%. However, the quality of the work performed – you only have to dream.
Professionals, unlike them, always accurately indicate the cost of plumbing work and laying of power cables, the cost of finishing work and the installation of accessories. For a specialized company, for example, electrical equipment is the same for a customer with an annual turnover of one million dollars, and for a private entrepreneur of the “middle hand”.
The preference for a legal entity officially working in the construction market should be given for what reason: the company deducting taxes to the budget officially enters into each transaction and each agreement. In case of misunderstandings or violation of the terms of the contract, there is always the opportunity to recover the cost of paid work or demand the elimination of deficiencies.
Regardless of how high the price of the installation of engineering systems of the constructed facility is, malfunctions can also occur among professionals of the highest quality. In the interests of the contractor, to check the quality of the work performed before signing the acceptance certificate of the object. This must be done, if only because the returned cost of plumbing works, with the deficiencies and violations identified, does not compensate for legal costs, examinations and other unforeseen expenses.
In conclusion, it should be noted that no matter what work is carried out at the facility – electrical installation, ventilation, lighting or water supply – specialists should perform them for a long and well -known, even well -known, at least within their region.
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